Biodiversity Events and Research Tours

Immersive, Educational and Scientific Bush Experiences

Another area in which we specialise is organising unique biodiversity events and research tours throughout Southern Africa. These tours appeal to our clients seeking a meaningful experience that gives back.  

Our biodiversity bash (biobash) events and biodiversity research tours to various wildlife reserves, both private and public, deliver immersive experiences with scientific outcomes. 

Partnering with The Lion Heart Experience and other specialists and working with landowners and accommodation providers in biodiversity hotspots has allowed us to craft niche, intensive and well-managed itineraries that take you even deeper into nature.  

It’s an intense bush experience, aiming to showcase as much biodiversity as possible – also that which is overlooked on standard tours. As a result, our itineraries will demand a lot from you, including long hours. We have, however, ensured sufficient periods of rest and downtime. 

You’ll explore many habitats in an adventurous and intentional manner, requiring you to apply all your senses more acutely. Simultaneously, you’ll achieve citizen science objectives as your efforts will contribute towards meaningful data for the reserve and the broader scientific community. 


  • Duration: 3 days and 2 nights
  • Age group: 6 years and up, although each reserve’s policies apply
  • Activities: birding, bird ringing, frogging, butterfly feeding, snake and scorpion hunts, rock flipping and log rolling, camera trapping and analysis, tracking, stargazing 

Please note the above may differ depending on the reserve and time of year. 

Invitation to reserve owners and managers:

  • Are you interested in hosting a biodiversity event that creates a new guest experience at your reserve? We would like to hear from you. Let’s discuss this opportunity in greater detail.
  • Should an event prove successful for both parties, it could become an annual event, or we could repurpose it for you as staff teambuilding or training.
  • Exclusivity promise: If you host an annual event with us, we will not schedule another event with a different landowner within 100km of your location.